Healing Materialities. Barbara Pollini.

Introducing Barbara Pollini.

Ph.D. Candidate – Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, Italy



>To cite this interview: Pollini, B. (2023). Healing Materialities in conversation with Nigel George. Retrieved (date), from healing-materialities.design

Barabara’s brilliant research focuses on exploring material scenarios that prioritise regenerative processes and resource replenishment instead of depletion. It encompasses two types of materials: living materials, which are composed of and incorporate living organisms, and life-enabling materials, which are inert substances that create a conducive environment for supporting life. This study takes place within the context of multispecies design.

The research involves the intersection of sustainability, material design, and biodesign, which is a radical approach that involves integrating living organisms as functional components in the design process. To understand the implications of living materials in sustainable design, the study adopts a transdisciplinary approach, aiming to establish the boundaries of newly designed materialities that actively support life.

The resulting conceptual framework of this research is referred to as Healing Materialities. This framework emphasizes the reconciling and repairing nature of these materials and positions them within a regenerative design perspective.